Thursday, September 4, 2008

Airy Thoughts - Swords

The second suit for discussion is Swords. This suit is usually presented as swords and its equivalent in the playing cards deck is the suite of Spades. Color associated with this suit is yellow and its element is Air. Something important to be noted is that there are many decks out there that give the Swords a fire association. There is no right answer for this for arguments both for and against associating fire with this suit are good ones and not easily dismissed. All that can be said is for you to look at your deck, think about the meanings and decide if it works for you. The Celtic Dragon Tarot is one such deck that makes this flip and it is Tir's primary deck of choice. She fought long and hard with her deck before coming to terms with which element to use. In the end, she decided to retain the original elemental association but do what feels right for you. We will discuss Fire and its properties when we come to Wands.

The animal associated with Air is the Man and the elemental of air is the Sylph. Astrological signs attributed to Swords are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Air and Swords are associated with the East, the masculine, the months of March, April, and May (making its season Spring), and the time of day between 6am and noon. The general meanings of this suit are mental processes, communications, worries, thoughts, anxieties, sickness, stress, loss, problems, and legal matters. If occupation is a part of the question, these cards usually indicate nobles, military, politicians, police, lawyers, and anyone involved with the judicial system. The temperment of Swords and Air includes, thinkers, verbal communicators, intellectual persons, readers, argumentative, controlling, indecisive, witty, and sometimes abusive persons.

Whenever you see a lot of these cards in a spread it probably means your querent is worried about something. Alot of the Swords cards look pretty bad but one must remember that there is always hope in the cards. Take a look and see what we mean.

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